Birat medical college, Biratnagar

As of July 2014, we are Birat Medical College, School of Medicine. Our first class of medical students will begin their studies this August. Birat Medical college has been established on the base of Biratnagar Aspatal Pvt. Ltd. which has over the past two decades strived to uphold the culture of excellence in providing the finest healthcare. This pursuit of excellence, along with the competence of our Doctor's, has led us to national recognition along with benchmark performance in certain areas. With a dream for the future, and a mission to pass along the mass accumulated practical knowledge to the next generation of doctors, Dr. Gyanendra Man Singh Karki envisioned the need to establish a medical college.
Birat Medical College (BMC), an institute under Kathmandu University, has on site a specialized campus dedicated to the education and preparation of Medical Health professionals with strong commitment to further workforce development and continuing education. BMC campus, spread over 22 bigha (over 33 acres) of land, comprises of state-of-art academic and research facilities, consisting of spacious and well equipped laboratories, dissection halls, museums with large number of specimens, library etc. The campus also encompasses student dormitories, athletic venues, university's administrative offices and an upcoming on-site Teaching Hospital. Presently it encompasses :
Basic Science Building : It houses the department of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine and Pharmacology.
Fees Structure
Total Fees in installments |
INR 53,00,000/- |
Total Lumpsum Pay |
INR 50,00,000/- |
At the time of Admission |
INR 27,00,000/- |
In the beginning of Second year |
INR 14,00,000/- |
In the beginning of Third year |
INR 14,00,000/- |
Security Deposit |
INR 1,00,000/- |
Hostel & Mess Fees
Hostel / Lodging & Fooding |
INR 1,70,000/Year |
(Note: Above fees excludes Registration Fees, Examination Fees and other minor fees)